PhiBrows is the latest big thing in the beauty industry. It is the perfected micro-blading technique, ticking all the boxes when it comes to creating long-lasting perfect eyebrows.
The PhiBrow method is ideal for patchy brows, asymmetry, badly shaped brows, no eyebrows or just for people who want their eyebrows looking perfect every day.
PhiBrows is a semi-permanent technique of extremely realistic eyebrow drawing in which the shape of eyebrows is calculated according to facial morphology and proportion. The technique is intended for anyone over the age of 18 who wants to correct the aesthetic problems of their eyebrows.
With PhiBrows eyebrow treatment we create micro-bladed hair stroke flow that follows the direction of natural eyebrow hairs, naturally blending in and creating natural finish. The aim of PhiBrows technique is to create the brow that nobody would be able to tell that it has undergone a treatment.
This is a brow treatment on the rise, and a must have for those on the lookout for brow perfection!
To keep your place in the training you have to pay €600 in advance.
If for any reason you do not attend the training, the amount of the deposit is not returned but it will be transferred to the next course.
Thank you very much for your trust, for any clarification do not hesitate to contact us.
Instagram: machi_xinary
Phone number: 0035799055224
Address : Prodromou 49str Nicosia ( FLAT 101 )
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